The Brazilian music triumphantly marched back into my life just a couple of years after it first took a prominent place in my heart.
Bebel Gilberto’s tunes have been on my lips most of the time since December and have made this unbearably long winter a tiny bit more tolerable. Ceu’s playful, girlish songs were equally impossible to resist. “Comadi” struck me immediately as the perfect sound illustration if a new version of “Dona Flor e seus dois maridos” is ever to be filmed. You can sense a great deal of Vadinho’s charm and Flor’s blossoming femininity in that song, can’t you?
And then yesterday it was once again Bebel’s turn with a song called “Jabuticaba”. When you hear this tender opening
“If I could name
A fruit for you
It would be jabuticaba’
you naturally get curious what sort of a romantic and inspiring plant that could possibly be.
And here is the answer
It is a Brazilian grapes tree or as the song goes on:
“Blue, black and small
On the outside
And soft and sweet within”….